Kahlil, I really resonate with your path of awareness -- as I have found in my own journey similar epiphanettes and possibilities. If feedback is helpful, I want to read cover to cover a book titled How to Turn Ideas into Reality. Whereas Atomic Project Management I feel is not in alignment with how I want to approach the marketing of my creative efforts. Also very excited to hear more and learn more about Slow Marketing! Thank you for sharing!
Kahlil CorazoCreator
Thanks, Cheryl! I'm still figuring out what Slow Marketing means for the book. I plan to explore it by contrasting it with the default marketing playbook, the way I've tried to differentiate industrial scale vs artisanal scale project management in the book. Another parallel contrast is operating with an assumption of known knowns vs openness to the unknown. One practical implication is to value conversations like this over analytics. So thank you! 🙏🏽
Kahlil, I really resonate with your path of awareness -- as I have found in my own journey similar epiphanettes and possibilities. If feedback is helpful, I want to read cover to cover a book titled How to Turn Ideas into Reality. Whereas Atomic Project Management I feel is not in alignment with how I want to approach the marketing of my creative efforts. Also very excited to hear more and learn more about Slow Marketing! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks, Cheryl! I'm still figuring out what Slow Marketing means for the book. I plan to explore it by contrasting it with the default marketing playbook, the way I've tried to differentiate industrial scale vs artisanal scale project management in the book. Another parallel contrast is operating with an assumption of known knowns vs openness to the unknown. One practical implication is to value conversations like this over analytics. So thank you! 🙏🏽